Main image of article How to Build an Employer Brand That Attracts Top Tech Talent

We’re excited to announce the publication of our new eBook, How to Build an Employer Brand That Attracts Top Tech Talent, a guide offering tried-and-true strategies to help you develop  and enhance  your employer brand, identify key audiences and create content to help more efficiently land  top  tech talent.   

Why Your Employer Brand Matters 

So just how important is a brand to your current and future employees? According to LinkedIn data, a strong employer brand can reduce turnover by 28 percent and cost-to-hire by a staggering 50 percent. If you agree with the significance of these numbers, the next question is often, “Where can I get one?” 

The truth is, whether  it’s cultivated or not, your organization already has an employer brand.  Your brand  may be something  that  rarely  hits  the agenda  during leadership conversations, or it could be something that’s  top-of-mind and  frequently  discussed.  Regardless of how you’ve chosen to approach it,  your  employer  brand can be the deciding factor in whether top talent chooses  you over your competitors. Steve Forbes famously said that it’s “the single most important investment you can make in your business.”  

Building  a funnel of active  and passive  tech candidates for your organization requires a robust employer brand; one which is deliberate, data-driven and continually  tended to.  Given  the unique challenges organizations face  in  trying to attract technologists,  many of whom are in high demand,  employer branding is  an  increasingly crucial  differentiating factor in  a candidate’s decision.   

How to Build an Employer Brand That Attracts Top Tech Talent will help you construct a brand that: 

  • Allows you to differentiate your organization from competitors.  
  • Attracts informed candidates to your job openings . 
  • Moves candidates down the funnel more efficiently.  
  • Signals to technologists that your company is a great place to work . 
  • Improves retention  of existing employees .
  • Makes your organization more credible in the marketplace . 

And perhaps most important of all, it will help you show the world, and your most desired candidates, who you truly are as an organization by shining a light on the mission, vision and values that make you unique. Why not get started now? Get your copy of the guide today.