Many were not so forgiving, and roundly blasted Dash for having clumsy code. Though the intent wasn't to troll, that viral tweet (and subsequent retweets) highlights why we all must be more positive and constructive. To his credit, Popescu says he’s not bothered by any criticism:Dash for iOS is open-source and I oh my god this Objective-C if statement 🙃https://t.co/AewEI9Pp9c pic.twitter.com/seHRfK4y9S
— Patrick Balestra (@BalestraPatrick) November 14, 2016
My two cents: I think it's okay to discuss and criticize and maybe even make fun of bad code, so we can learn and avoid it in the future. Some will cross the line and be insulting, as this is the Internet after all, but we shouldn't avoid discussing things just because some of us can't be civilized. I don't think [Patrick Balestra] did anything wrong with his tweet and a lot of the discussion surrounding it was about optimizing that code, which is great. Dash contains a lot of silly code and hacks. So anyone reading this: go ahead and find it and discuss it and criticize it. I won't mind.Benevolent soul that he is, Popescu is also hoping to diffuse an uglier side of the developer community. In turning a cheek, he’s denying others the fuel to express their irritation over how others might code. That sort of mass scrutiny is more than many of us would be willing to endure, and good example of why people are reluctant to open-source their projects. There’s always the old trope that criticizing someone’s work makes you look bad as well, but it’s a dated concept in a time when we’re able to slink anonymously behind keyboards and pseudonyms. The only viable stance is that we all need to be better to one another. Popescu echoed that sentiment in a comment thread for Dash on GitHub, writing: “Discussing on Twitter vs GitHub has the advantage of reaching more people which can learn from it. This does have the drawback of trolls insulting, but we should shame the trolls and not the person that started the conversation.” Instead of chiding a fellow developer, try helping or offering a suggestion on how to remedy an issue. Had the tweet above been lumped with a pull request that simplified and streamlined that admittedly daunting
statement, the entire narrative would have changed. Instead, we’re faced with the nastier side of our field. There’s enough of that in the world lately; let’s be kind.
being handed a legacy codebase you have no idea about pic.twitter.com/rKJIR55Yj5
— I Am Devloper (@iamdevloper) November 10, 2016