Which programming language has the biggest community worldwide? That’s a question SlashData attempts to answer on a regular basis. And based on its analysis, one thing is clear: JavaScript has assembled the lar…
What are the most popular programming languages, and how much do they pay? The answers to those questions can give technologists some crucial insight as they try to figure out which languages to learn next. Ems…
Although Python is one of the world’s most popular programming languages, it isn't without flaws. The biggest one? Probably its lack of speed. Python code is compiled to bytecode by CPython and then executed by…
Which programming languages will grow the most over the next two years? While it’s impossible to predict the future, we can certainly make an educated guess based on data—and the answer might not align with you…
People-led, tech-powered. That’s what Walmart Global Tech delivers every day, while helping people save money and live better. And that’s not just for customers. Living better is also a goal the company has for…
Python has taken the number-one slot on the TIOBE Index’s ranking of the world’s most popular programming languages. This long-predicted ascension suggests that Python still has room to grow despite its already…
Python has just hit version 3.10.0, with a variety of new features for developers. Whether you’re new to Python or just interested in what this latest version has to offer, Python.org offers tons of documentati…
To say that Python is a prominent programming language is something of an understatement. Earlier this year, SlashData’s State of the Developer Nation suggested that Python had the world’s second-largest progra…
Which programming languages do employers want technologists to know? According to a new breakdown by IEEE Spectrum, knowing some of the world’s most popular programming languages can translate into significant…
If you build software for the web, enterprise tech stacks, or embedded devices, it’s in your best interest to learn Python. That’s the conclusion of IEEE Spectrum’s latest list of the world’s top programming la…
This week, Apple rolled out new editions of the iPhone and other hardware. Although the company is pushing hard into cloud-based services (such as Apple TV+ and Apple Music), mobile devices remain its primary r…
This year, The Walt Disney Company is celebrating 100 years of storytelling, dreams and innovation. As we approach our centennial celebration, we caught up with three technologists to learn more about how techn…