Whether you’re in-house or working for an agency, as a recruiter, you need to be able to contact technologists quickly and easily – and now, Dice makes that possible. Dice’s new Instant Messaging service can speed up the sourcing process by allowing you to engage in direct, transparent conversations with technologists. This real-time connection can offer an advantage in a competitive market, especially when you can transform those conversations into lasting, productive relationships.
Dice Instant Messaging Empowers You to:
- Start the conversation and develop relationships with relevant, actionable tech talent in real-time.
- Speed up your overall time-to-hire.
- Leverage seamless workflow integration, to send messages directly from TalentSearch and job applicants.
- Connect quickly and easily with technologists that match the job criteria, as well as your company values.
How to Use Dice Instant Messaging to Your Advantage
While Dice Instant Messaging helps you have fast conversations with technologists, it’s important to follow a few best practices in order to unlock its full potential.
Personalize Your Message
Just like with email, no candidate wants to feel like they’re receiving a copy and pasted message that was likely sent dozens of other technologists. To avoid this, personalize your message by letting technologists know what specifically piqued your interest about their background.
Demonstrate Your Tech Expertise
Candidates on Dice are uniquely tech oriented. And just as their specialized, they want to know that you are too. So, where possible, demonstrate your tech expertise by discussing some of the languages and skills that technologists have and how it aligns with the role you’re hiring for.
Be Direct and Concise
Historically, technologists have been inundated with opportunities. At the same time, they’re often pressed to meet deadlines and push out new lines of code. So, play to the audience by making your messages direct, concise and to the point.
Do Your Research
Prior to messaging a technologist, do your research to understand more about them. See if you can uncover any recent projects they’ve worked, accomplishments they’ve made or certifications they’ve received. Not only does this allow you to further understand the person on the other end of the message, but a little flattery can also go a long way.