Sam WilsonElectronics Technician 385 Main St. Greensborough, N.C. ▪ 000.555.1212. ▪ Summary

  • 5 years’ experience supporting engineers by setting up and maintaining electronics testing equipment and test benches reducing downtime by 15 percent.
  • 3 years’ experience connecting RF paths and equipment according to diagrams, troubleshooting RF testing bench issues.
  • 2 years’ experience wiring switch control cards for DC bias.
  • 2 years’ experience tracking testing data, creating graphs and presentations.
  • 4 years’ experience maintaining, repairing, testing and calibrating electronics equipment for the United States Navy.

Work Experience

Electronics Test Technician, ABC Engineering2010 to present

  • Support test engineers with prototype hardware including cable and harness assembly, wiring, electrical and mechanical assembly, test and maintenance.
  • Generate reports analyzing, communicating and documenting test data relevant to the product and component approval process.
  • Calibrate electronic and RF equipment including meters, power supplies, oscilloscopes, vaclon pumps and couplers.
  • Perform on-site calibrations of test sets.
  • Support mechanical calibration of gages, calipers and other tools.

Test Technician, Jones Power Solutions2008 to 2010

  • Work with test engineers, production, and quality/process engineering on test improvements and problems.
  • Measure test time and cycle time in the test cell and initiate improvements
  • Resolve issues that inhibit smooth flow through the cell (issues regarding manpower, methods, tooling, fixtures, or materials).
  • Facilitate the implementation of continuous improvement tools.
  • Ensure test equipment is maintained and calibrated.

Maintenance Technician, XYZ Manufacturing2007 to 2008

  • Perform routine maintenance of manufacturing equipment (cleaning, calibration, or routine service) within the Power & RF department.
  • Utilize the computerized maintenance management systems for inventory control and work scheduling.
  • Utilize troubleshooting skills to solve complex equipment problems.
  • Assist in development of maintenance procedures and best-known methods.
  • Understand tool performance metrics and routinely review with shift team members.

Electronics Technician/RF, United States Navy2001 to 2005

  • Responsible for installing, administering and maintaining onboard communications and navigations systems.
  • Maintained operational and administrative aspects of submarine radio communication equipment, systems and programs (including submarine LAN systems).
  • Honorable discharge.


Associate’s Degree Electronics Engineering Technology2007 Blue Ridge Community College - Flat Rock, NC “A” School for ETs (ET/RF and ET/NAV)2001 Groton, CT

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